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    About EdgeBio

    Edge Biosesystems 2016 International Distributor Price List 订购专线 bard
    Product Code Product Name Quantity 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    45891 Optima DTR™ Ultra 96-Well Plate Kit 2 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    45637 Optima DTR™  96-Well  Plate Kit 2 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    45312 Optima DTR™ 384-Well Plates Kit 2 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    31442 Optima DTR™ 384-Well Plates (No Receivers) 2 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    17832 Optima DTR™ Ultra 96-Well Plate Kit 10 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    17946 Optima DTR™ 96-Well  Plate Kit 10 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    17455 Optima DTR™ 384-Well Plates 10 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    94836 Optima DTR™ Ultra 96-Well Plate Kit (No Receivers) 10 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    94164 Optima DTR™ 96-Well  Plate Kit (No Receivers) 10 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    94553 Optima DTR™ 384-Well Plates (No Receivers) 10 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    60122 Optima DTR™ Ultra 96-Well Plate Kit (No Receivers) 50 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    60606 Optima DTR™  96-Well  Plate Kit  (No Receivers) 50 plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    98780 Performa® DTR Gel Filtration Cartridges 36/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    42453 Performa® DTR Gel Filtration Cartridges 108/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    54789 Performa® DTR Ultra 96-Well Plate Kit 2 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    55373 Performa® DTR Ultra 96-Well Plate Kit 10 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    74251 Performa® DTR Ultra 96-Well Plate Kit (No Receivers) 10 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    86077 Performa® DTR Ultra 96-Well Plate Kit (No Receivers) 50 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    63887 Performa® DTR V3 96-Well Short Plate Kit 2 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    89939 Performa® DTR V3 96-Well Short Plate Kit 10 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    47938 Performa® DTR V3 96-Well Short Plate Kit (No Receivers) 10 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    80808 Performa® DTR V3 96-Well Short Plate Kit (No Receivers) 50 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    52571 Performa® DTR 384-Well Plates (No Receivers) 2 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    90636 Performa® DTR 384-Well Plates (No Receivers) 10 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    41744 MagDTR™ Dye Terminator Removal Resin 5 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    21971 MagDTR™ Dye Terminator Removal Resin 25 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    34262 MagDTR™ Dye Terminator Removal Resin 125 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    60891 MagDTR™ Dye Terminator Removal Resin 500 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    57624 MagWell™ Magnetic Separator 96 1 each 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    27396 5X DNA Sequencing Diluent 1 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    59710 5X DNA Sequencing Diluent 2 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    78901 5X DNA Sequencing Diluent 10 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    61303 QuickStep™ 2 96 Well-PCR Purification Kit 2 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    97670 QuickStep™ 2 96 Well-PCR Purification Kit 10 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    05086 QuickStep™ 2 96 Well-PCR Purification Kit (No Receivers) 50 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    33617 QuickStep™ 2 PCR Purification Kit 36/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    92159 QuickStep™ 2 PCR Purification Kit 108/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    72406 QuickStep™ 2 SOPE Resin 0.75 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    72412 QuickStep™ 2 SOPE Resin 3.5 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    72418 QuickStep™ 2 SOPE Resin 12 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    39231 QuickStep™ 2 384-Well PCR Purification (No Receivers) 2 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    89815 QuickStep™ 2 384-Well PCR Purification (No Receivers) 10 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    39614 ExcelaPure 96-Well UF PCR Purification Kit 1 Plate 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    84900 ExcelaPure 96-Well UF PCR Purification Kit 10 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    36181 ExcelaPure 96-Well UF PCR Purification Kit (No Receivers) 10 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    95674 ExcelaPure 96-Well UF PCR Purification Kit (No Receivers) 50 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    36795 Acella™ Chemically Competent Cells 12x 50 µl 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    10773 Acella™ pLysS Chemically Competent Cells 12x 50 µl 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    42649 Acella™ Electrocompetent Cells 6x 100 µl 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    83254 EB5Alpha Competent Cells 12x 50 µl 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    12573 ElectroEB10B Competent Cells 6x 100 µl 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    45363 Ultra BL21 (DE3) Competent Cells 12x 50 µl 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    43066 Ultra BL21 (DE3) pLysS Competent Cells 12x 50 µl 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    73328 Performa® Spin Columns 36/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    13266 Performa® Spin Columns 108/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    85171 PurElute Bacterial Genomic Kit 50 Purif. 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    14201 Quick-Precip™ Solution 1 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    70437 Quick-Precip™ Plus Solution 1 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    72641 Quick-Precip™ Plus Solution 6 mL 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    48461 Adhesive Plate Sealers 100/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    97584 Gas Permeable Plate Sealers 100/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    13506 96-Well Capillary Plates 25 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    90904 96-Well Capillary Plates 100 Plates 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    33100 96-Well Plate Lids 100/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    77340 96-Well Deep Well Blocks, Sterilized w/ Lid 25/cs 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    50063 96-Well Treated Microplates, U-Bottom 10/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    28777 96-Well Treated Microplates, V-Bottom 10/pk 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    8well-1 Optima DTR™  8-Well Strip Kit (96 samples)  1 Plate 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    8well-1R Optima DTR™  8-Well Strip Refill (96 samples) (No Receivers) 1 Plate 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    EnzSAP-500 EnzSAP 500 Reactions 500 Reactions 400-968-7988 Edgebio
    EnzSAP-20 EnzSAP 20 Reactions  20 Reactions 400-968-7988 Edgebio

    EdgeBio products are designed to simplify workflow so you can do your job with greater speed, convenience and enjoyment. The proven reliability of our products, backed by our customer support, written guarantees, and no-back-order policy delivers valuable peace of mind in an environment of so many unknowns.

      Dye Terminator Removal
    • Optima DTR
    • MagDTR
      PCR Purification
    • QuickStep 2 PCR Purification Systems
    • ExcelaPure UF PCR Purification System
      Sample Preparation
    • Precipitation Reagents
    • PERFORMA Spin Columns
    • PurElute Bacterial Genomic Kit
      Bacterial Competent Cells
    • Acella
    • EB5Alpha
    • ElectroEB10B
    • Ultra BL21DE3
    See all Accessories

    Sanger sequencing simplified

    EdgeBio develops and markets reagents for DNA sequencing clean-up and nucleic acid purification. Our products employ rapid and simple protocols, minimizing hands-on time while providing high-quality results with high reproducibility.

    Reliability and Experience

    At EdgeBio, our people, processes and products reflect our dedication to reliability and quality. Founded in 1990, we built a solid reputation as the "sequencing purification supplier of choice" for many leading academic and government institutions, biopharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and research institutions worldwide. 

    Customer Focus

    What sets EdgeBio apart is our depth of customer knowledge, personalized attention, and commitment to satisfaction - backed by our written guarantees. We're known for doing what we say we'll do. That means we respond quickly to your inquiries and technical problems. If you contact us, you'll speak with a person, not an automated system. We call this the Edge experience. We think you'll find it refreshing.

    Proven Products

    A pioneer in DNA sequencing reaction cleanup systems, EdgeBio continues to expand its portfolio with innovative products. We offer:

    • Dye Terminator Removal products, including our original Performa® DTR products, and our new Optima DTR™ product line, the gold standards in gel filtration-based DTR
    • High-throughput PCR Purification products, including the QuickStep2™ and ExcelaPure plates
    • Sample Preparation products, including PurElute™ Bacterial Genomic DNA kit and Quick-Precip™ reagents
    • Bacterial Competent Cells for DNA Cloning and Recombinant Protein Expression
    • PCR Purification and Sample Preparation Accessories, including our popular 96-well adhesive plate sealers
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